Yesterday, Mayor Fiorentini was joined by a group of Northern Essex students to talk about why their votes count in the 2016 Presidential election. The Millennial generation accounts for one third of the electorate vote. This is going to be the first nationwide election for most of the students that participated in the discussion.


The Mayor spoke about a time when voting was fun for the American population. He recalled when his college campus would hold debates for students to voice their opinions to one another. He then touched upon each candidate’s position on student debt and how this would impact the students that were sitting before him.

Mayor Fiorentini told the students that choosing not to vote was actually a vote in itself. He used the analogy of someone handing you an unfinished script. If you chose to ignore it and hand it off to someone else, your side or opinion would never be heard. Meanwhile, if you agreed and wrote down your ideas, you would be making an impact on the story. This is how voting works, if you sit back and choose not to vote, you do not get to have a say on what happens in the community, state, or country. If you decide to take the opportunity to voice your thoughts, you will be influencing the outcome of the election.

The mayor wanted the students to know that this is the most crucial election in our nation’s history. He urged the student’s to be a part of politics and get to the polls on November 8th.

The last day to register to vote for the November election is October 19th. You can register in Haverhill at the Clerk’s Office, 4 Summer Street. They will be open weekdays until 4 p.m. and until 8 p.m. on October 19th.


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